“Given wind, or no wind, I’d take no wind,” advice from the Annapolis harbormaster when describing what’s the best conditions for sailors northbound on the Chesapeake and Delaware (C&D) Canal and the Delaware River/Bay to Cape May.  Dennis had studied the charts, tide tables, current tables, wind forecasts and gleaned advice from several sources before deciding how and when to take on the C&D today.  It began about the time the sun was rising over Baltimore this morning.  As we passed our waypoint, Chesapeake 20, making a sharp northward turn, we found ourselves in a flooding tide pushing us along 2 knots faster than the prop was turning.  It continued the whole way, and with a few mph of wind to help at one point Aurora maxed at 10knots of speed.  Even with the sails down later we were able to sustain 9 knots.  Surprisingly, although told we might encounter large cargo ships in the center of the 400 ft wide canal, saw only one sailboat, one jetski and one small trawler.  We felt the sun shining on us today, making Delaware City on the Delaware River at 1:45p.m.

As cruisers there are no givens, each day is totally different and although riding high on today’s pleasant wave know tomorrows Delaware River fifty-mile trip, through shallows and ships, where tide and currents are best at 2:00a.m. (not leaving till 6:00) will most probably challenge our "wind or no wind" skills.  Off to the berth early tonight!

Tired too because last night daughter Andrea in Austin, TX, who wasn’t due until July 3, had her first baby, Nolan Robert Atkins at 11:19p.m.  Hard to sleep both before and after getting to talk to her again at 1:45a.m our time.  Should be easy to rest peacefully tonight knowing all are doing well.  



  1. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson. We hope all are doing well.

  2. Thanks, Nolan went home on Friday. He's already grown a half inch and gained back an ounce. Mom is well too. I'm hoping to see them in a few days.
