July 3-4, 2012
How would I describe Warton Creek: Plenty of peace, crowded with crab pots, sizzling sunset, and mesmerizing moon. Such a place is hard to find, but just across the bay is a city steeped in year-round patriotism, so what better place to find an amazing 4th of July celebration than Annapolis, MD, home of the US Naval Academy.
After calling on Monday afternoon and hearing from the harbor master that there weren’t many moorings left we decided to make the thirty mile run across the Chesapeake from Warton early in the morning to have a better chance of catching one. We were lucky and caught one of three remaining at 10:30. The other two were gone before the hour was out and there hasn’t been another available since. What there here has been is a continuous stream of boats in “ego alley,” parading with their “bikini –clad beauties,” both young and old adorning their bows.
It was in low nineties again yesterday. ninety-five today and ninety-eight tomorrow. Silly us, we thought we would cruise north and stay away from the Florida heat! Not happening! Many here along the coast are still without power after the storm last Friday, so this may be an uncomfortable 4th even for people in their homes. Dennis put a tarp up over the back third of the boat, and a wind scoop to help funnel the breeze into the front berth. Wouldn’t want to get into the harbor water, but showering off with cool water from our tanks a couple of times a day helps. Even Fritz likes it. Multiple cold drinks are consumed on these unbearable hot days. Cranberry juice with fresh lemon juice is one of my favorites for quenching thirst in this heat, and of course tons of water helps too.
Our generator is used for charging the batteries and running the air conditioning to cool us down when needed. Last night it shut off after about forty-five minutes, getting overheated. Now our engineer is trying to figure out a way to put a fan in the lazarette above it to help cool it down. There have been good breezes both days so that has kept us from cooking.
One of the “cool” things about where we are is a web camera showing the harbor. The link is below so if you look today or tonight. There are two rows of power boats facing the camera, we in the center 3 rows back from the power boats. Our friends Tom and Sandy just called and said it is hard to see us, but at least you can have a look at the harbor.
Like most everywhere in the US there will be fireworks here to celebrate our country’s independence. This cruise has convinced us that we take many freedoms for granite that others fought and gave their lives to secure. So on this day and every day we want to give thanks for this great country, for those who made it possible and for those who continue to serve that we might live free.
Link to Annapolis Harbor Web Cam: http://www.annapolisyc.com/default.aspx?p=DynamicModule&pageid=281972&ssid=157917&vnf=1
Link to Annapolis Harbor Web Cam: http://www.annapolisyc.com/default.aspx?p=DynamicModule&pageid=281972&ssid=157917&vnf=1
Wishing you a safe, relaxed and thankful 4th of July!
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