Day 15 April 25, 2018
Lake Worth to Ft. Piece
In almost every Florida channel you will find large container
and cruise ships transversing accompanied by a pilot boat out ahead, warning of
their entrance or exit. This morning motoring
slowly out of the anchorage, seeing the pilot’s flashing lights, but not the
ship, Captain slowed Aurora. AIS
describes them as having “limited maneuverability,” i.e.; they’re huge! When this big girl came creeping around the
corner and into view, we were thankful for the pilot’s early morning alert.
Several huge dredgers with long tubes sucking up sand to return
back to the eroded beaches were moving parallel to the shore today. Maybe that’s what need on the Gulf Coast to
replenish after storms wash our sandy playground out to sea.
In 2012 we anchored in the Ft. Pierce channel, but unable to
purchase fuel there today motored a short way into the Ft. Pierce Marina on the
Indian River. With 237 dockage slips
many live aboards on all sizes and shapes of boats call this cruiser-friendly
marina home. Walking around downtown and a waterfront market didn’t take long
and left us wondering how a mammoth Federal Courthouse came to be there. Afterwards we wound up back at the marina’s
tiki hut using our 20% off coupon for dinner.
Tomorrow we are planning to do an overnight 170 miles to St.
Augustine. Forgetting to get ice until
8:30 we called and the friendly dock hand quickly agreed to meet Dennis and get
us some. Couldn’t get any better
customer service, definitely a 5 star marina!
Nautical Miles: 49.7
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