Home for now…

Well rested after having a relaxed day at Pelican Bay and compared to last year’s homecoming which was an overnighter from Marathon to PGI in the July heat, physically we were ready and able on Saturday when we got home to dig in and get as much done as possible.     

When cruising you begin planning, thinking, and talking six months ahead and then provisioning/loading the boat the month before leaving.  Our post trip disembark this time seemed so easy compared to those six months of preparations. Once home we worked for about 3 hours to get everything off the boat, cleaned, sorted and stored (maybe not in that order, but you know what I mean.) Dennis began immediately to dismember the electronics for further attention by the experts, and to order some needed parts.  Although making it home without any more lightning related issues it seems little gremlins are sometimes left behind to cause havoc when least expected so we will not sign off with Progressive Ins. for now.

As we reflect on our 595 mile three-week cruise there are a few things that are quite obvious; like expect the unexpected.  There’s never a bad day on the water, well maybe one.  Each day is totally new, and totally different than the last.  Be content with where you are, and it’s never about the destination…it’s about the journey and the people you meet along the way.    

Final reflections: Cruising is a lot like life, there are many disappointments, you pick yourself up, figure out what to do, and make the best of it.  My dad and I loved horses and rode together.  His only rule was if you fall off the horse, you must get back on immediately and ride again to overcome your fear.  Not a bad rule for living the cruising life.

Yes Daddy, Dennis and I will, in spite of the lightning strike, climb aboard Aurora, grateful to cruise another day.   


We may have some short cruises that I will blog on over the next few months, so check in on the website at the first of the month for updates.  Out next long cruise will probably be to the Dry Tortugas in November, definitely blogable.

Fair winds and may God bless.   Arrivederci


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