We left Miami early this morning and what a hoot to sail downtown by all the skyscrapers. As we made it to Government cut something did not feel right. A big cruise ship was at the dock and a guy on a maintenance boat next to the cruise ship was waiving us back. A minute later we got the “blue light special” by the harbor patrol – no boats allowed in Government Cut when there are cruise ships docked. Turning around we retraced our path and went out Fisherman’s Channel instead, oh well.
No wind, so we motored all the way to Ft Lauderdale (Port Everglades Entrance). We got out in the mighty blue and were clipping along. When we checked the GPS it read 12.2 knots!!. The speed in water was around 6.5. I guess what they say about the Gulf Stream is true! Coming back may be a different story.
It seems there is always something in the ocean to catch nature-lovers attention, and today it was a free-floating bell-shaped medusa, or Portuguese Man-of-War. At first we thought it was a plastic bottle bobbing along on the surface, but as we got closer and could see the balloon-like creature, translucent with iridescent blue and pink coloring, realized it was not one of man’s creations. There were several, and we were glad to be able to observe them from a distance rather than close to their stinging tentacles which can cause severe burns and blisters even after death. We continue to be awed by these ocean treasures.
In the Port Everglades Entrance (also where cruise ships are docked) we found our way past freighters going out and mega yachts in every direction on the way to Lake Sylvia. This is a nice, well protected anchorage off the Intercoastal. We met a couple anchored behind us who journeyed all the way from England in a 32’ wooded spared sloop. And, then broke their mast and have been here for a month waiting for repairs. They now have it fixed and are headed to the Bahamas. Oh, we did plan to stay at a marina today but when we called one they wanted $5/ft. We respectfully declined.
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